I'm in my final semester at university and I have one more assignment to go. We have to make a blog and we basically are graded on 'engagement' - I know, it's a bit weird. With that being said, I would really appreciate it if you guys took at peek at my blog for my assignment.
The page is entitled Don't Stress to Impress and works to combat the stress that uni students and graduates experience as they enter the 'real world'. This includes looking for jobs, the question of what to do when the degree isn't right for you, lifestyle and relationship advice.
Perhaps leave a comment of what you think, how I could improve the posts, or if you ever had any experience with the topics so far. I've only done like 5 out of 12 posts so it's an ongoing process and I would SOOO appreciate it!
Don't think this won't go unnoticed. I'll reciprocate the favour!